From Heartache to Wholeness – Relationship as portal for growth, evolution, and Love
For a Happy Even After Life
Work one-on-one with Certified Conscious Uncoupling™ Coach Susan Mason

The Conscious Uncoupling Program uses evolving tools of Professional Coaching to offer:
An answer for the anguished grief of a breakup, divorce, or relationship ending.
It addresses our beliefs about a breakup such as – I’ve ruined my life, or I’ll never find love again, or it never should have happened. It also addresses the shame that can occur such as – I’m a failure, or I can’t make relationships work.
It normalizes a breakup or divorce given that today it is common to have 2 to 3 ‘significant’ relationships in our life span, and given the realization that ‘happily ever after’ was created when our life span was 1/2 what it is now.
Conscious Uncoupling works with any deeply held false beliefs within our self-sense that we bring with us to our relationship. We find where we are stuck in these old beliefs, and then use them to engage in a growth mindset for actualizing our potential.
It leads to constructing the fully healthy Self within the kind of relationship you desire, as it cultivates the emergence of your potential for a new positive future.
The modality used is Professional Coaching, rather than talk therapy. This means the process is Coach-led while you are being directed towards a new future.
The goal is freedom, which takes place through a deep transformational process. We pay attention to evolving consciousness and do the work of growth to actualize potential. You do not just learn to ‘survive’ the breakup, but you become more deeply who you are in your Truth.
This work is for individuals or couples who are struggling and maybe on the verge of separation or divorce, or who have separated, and also those who would like to work for the improvement of their relationship before giving it up completely. We use the difficulty or the breakup for personal growth and as a wake up call to uplift every area of your life. You will be challenged to discover and develop previously unknown resources within you to generate a positive new future so that you do not repeat the same disappointing patterns in your next relationship. This new freedom generates value that is equal to, or greater than the loss endured and it ensures embracing a life more fulfilling than the one you are letting go of. The journey will awaken higher relational capacities allowing you to navigate the difficult terrain of grief and loss. You will be able to uncouple and move on with honor, dignity, and goodwill which leads to the well-being for all involved. And be guided to use the heartbreak as an opportunity to deeply grow, so that the next relationship you enter into can benefit from the wisdom gained.
- If you are you going through a breakup and feel that the pain will never end and the idea of starting over scares you;
- If you are worried about the impact on your children and have shame or guilt over your situation;
- Or if you want to make sure you have done everything possible to save your relationship – the Conscious Uncoupling Program can steer you toward a new direction, with deep insight and healing.
Developed by the New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling– 5 Steps to Living Happily EVEN After – by Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA., MFT., the Conscious Uncoupling Program is a complete solution for creating a happy and meaningful future. It answers the following questions:
- How do we internally stabilize after a breakup?
- What allows us to triumph over our unconscious, primitive, biologically based impulses to lash out and hurt the one the one by whom we feel hurt?
- What will allow us to relate to a loss or an ending while staying open, innovative, related, available and committed to life?
- What is the emotional architecture of our higher potential that enables us to navigate these changes with resilience?
If you know how to work with an ending or loss, it becomes a blessing.
Ending a relationship is one of the hardest things we can do. When we go over the falls towards the loss of love our heart is bitten and the depth of our grief goes through the floor. It is a profound rupture of attachment which touches the deepest conditioning of our inner structure.
If we are the one that is left it can be so life altering that we spend years in grief for the lost future we had once anticipated. We enter out romantic union with great hope, excitement, and love! For many different reasons relationships come undone and we often view this as a failure rather than honoring what we once meant to one another.
Consider Conscious Uncoupling if you are in pain over a breakup: It provides valuable skills and tools to navigate this challenging terrain with the outcome of creating a positive future after the loss of love.
You will:
-Learn a gracious and honorable way to uncouple and how to consciously complete a romantic union;
-Be free from any harmful consequences of a poorly navigated transition;
-Gain the ability to harness the wild and difficult emotions of your break up and use these as constructive driver’s of positive change;
– Grow beyond disappointing patterns in Love so you do not repeat the same patterns or recycle the pain in your next relationship;
-Rediscover your deep ability to love and be loved;
-Use your experience as a portal into a sacred journey to reinvent your life rather than waiting for time to heal your heart.
If you are a Parent:
Susan specializes in working with Parents during a break-up, or after a divorce with the goal to support growth for positive co-parenting. Coaching work with Parents supports the children to increase their own capacity for connection and continue to develop in a healthy way through the normal phases of growing up when their family dynamic changes.
There’s a trick to the graceful exit…It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of the future, a belief that every exit is an entry, and that we are moving up, rather than outEllen Goodman
Time does not heal all wounds, you do.Katherine Woodward Thomas
Alice Walker
The 5 Steps
- Find Emotional Freedom; Learn how to transform your negative or difficult emotions into constructive drivers of positive change so they become an extraordinary catalyst for your greatest growth.
- Reclaim Your Power & Your Life; Learn how to never make the same mistakes again, and discover how you can truly trust yourself to love and be loved again.
- Heal the Pattern, Heal Your Heart; Learn the process that will forever free you from your original wounding, and connect with a new narrative from your Deeper Truth.
- Become a Love Alchemist; Find out the secrets to healthy closure so you can be at peace in your heart and mind, no matter how much undeserved heartache you endured.
- Create Your Happily Even After Life; Be supported to make wise and life affirming decisions to reinvent your life with new structures so that all involved may thrive… This will set the stage and open the gates for a healthy, stable and happy new love.
How it works
The 5-Step Conscious Uncoupling Coaching Program takes place over 6 to 8 sessions, and comes as a one package program.
Sessions: Skype, the phone, or in person – one session per week.
Who this is for
Begin Today
Schedule a 20 minute free conversation using the form below or by calling (720) 938-9693.
Coaching is done by Phone, Skype, or in Person.